Dear 7th PEC Participants
It was our great pleasure to host the 7th Polish Evolutionary Conference in Gdańsk, Poland, on September 18-20, 2019. Thank you for your contribution in the discussion on evolutionary topics. See you in Toruń at the 8th PEC!
On behalf of the Organising & Scientific Committees,
Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas
Conference poster, feel free to download it and distribute in your environment.
Project: Karol Błaszczak & Agata Mieszkowska
The Committee of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology,
Polish Academy of Sciences
University of Gdańsk
Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Centrum Analiz i Ekspertyz, University of Gdańsk
Chairwoman: dr hab. Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas
Organising Committee: dr Adrianna Kilikowska, prof. dr hab. Martin Kukwa, dr Julita Minasiewicz, dr hab. Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas, dr Anna Wysocka, dr. Marcin Górniak
Scientific Committee: prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Namiotko, prof. dr. hab. Jacek Radwan, dr. hab. Joanna Rutkowska, prof. dr. hab. Jacek Szwedo, prof. dr. hab. Jan Marcin Węsławski, dr. hab. Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas
Support: Martyna Cendrowska, mgr Marion Devogel, mgr Antoine Grissot, mgr Martyna Jankowska-Jarek, mgr Agata Mieszkowska, Karolina Zdrojewska, dr Katarzyna Mioduszewska, Łucja Ptach, dr Sebastian Susmarski
Webpage: Jakub Domański

Tracey Chapman
University of East Anglia
“I am an evolutionary geneticist based at the School of Biological Sciences at the University of East Anglia. I am interested in understanding how reproductive traits evolve and function. I use fruit fly model systems to evaluate the potential of sexual selection and sexual conflict to drive evolutionary change. I use the power of these systems to understand the underlying mechanisms involved. I am also interested in translating messages from this research into novel methods for pest insect control.”

Hanna Kokko
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
University of Zurich
“I am a professor of Evolutionary Ecology at the University of Zurich. I have a longstanding interest in the mathematical logic that underpins biology, with a particular curiosity towards the evolution of reproductive strategies. This really includes everything that involves conflict and possible cooperation between entities (individuals, genes, parts of society…) and this then leads to demographic consequences within or across species.”

Jörn Theuerkauf
Museum and Institut of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences
“I am a professor at the Behavioural Ecology Unit, Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences. I received my PhD in Wildlife Biology and Management at the Technische Universität München on the behavioural ecology of wolves in the Białowieża Forest. My research focusses on behavioural, evolutionary and conservation ecology of endangered birds and mammals, co-evolutionary arms race in avian brood parasite-host systems, and the impact of invasive mammals on endemic Pacific birds. Since 2001, I have been studied various bird and mammal species in New Caledonia and other Pacific islands.”

Marc-Andre Selosse
L’Insitut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité
University of Gdańsk
“I am a professor at Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), University of Gdansk (Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation, Poland) and invited professor at Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil). My researches focus on the ecology and evolution of mycorrhizas, a major symbiosis between soil fungi and roots of most land plants, with research models such as Truffles, Sebacinales, orchids and ectomycorrhizal associations, as well as mycorrhizal networks. I have also a general interest for symbiosis and its evolution. “

Jan Pawlowski
the Department of Genetics and Evolution, University of Geneva
“I am an Associate Professor of Biology at the Department of Genetics and Evolution, University of Geneva, where I lead the research group on molecular systematics and environmental genomics. Large part of my activities is devoted to DNA barcoding and metabarcoding. Currently, I am working on the development of eco-genomic tests for biomonitoring and survey of freshwater and marine ecosystems. I am also the chair of the Swiss Barcode of Life (http://www.swissbol.ch), a co-chair of DNAqua-net WG2 (http://dnaqua.net) and the co-founder of ID-Gene ecodiagnostics Ltd (http://www.id-gene.com).”
If you have any questions or queries, please contact us at pec2019@ug.edu.pl
University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Biology
Wita Stwosza 59
80-308 Gdańsk
All the conference sessions will take place in the building of the Faculty of Biology UG.
Conference dinner will be organized at restaurant “Nad Potokiem” in Sopot.
Photos by Dorota Kidawa, Magda Hadwiczak & Piotr Rutkowski